What We Did: Print Ads, Radio Ads, Video, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing

The process of acquiring a mortgage can be intimidating, fraught with life-changing decisions, financial considerations and legalese. The Meet the Holmes campaign was developed to educate potential mortgage customers about the path to home ownership in a relatable and even humorous way.
Meet Clyde
Clyde is a 36-year-old architect. He is a jovial guy, always making a joke or two that generally amuses him only. He is the last of five children and was born in rural Trinidad. In younger years, he loved discovery. He would either traverse the country to bask in its natural beauty or spend time in the library where he could encounter foreign lands or enlighten himself on various disciplines. It was at the library that he met his wife Julia, a teacher in training who was doing research.
Meet Julia
Julia is 33 years old and is wife to Clyde and mother to one daughter, Kelly. She is a practical person and has keen foresight, thus she deals with problems before they arise. Julia is a teacher and loves her job. The family lives in a small apartment near to capital and Julia knows that with a baby on the way, they need a bigger space.
Meet Kelly
Kelly is six years old, “going on seventeen”. Like children her age, she loves to play and draw. She is generally always in a happy mood and is sometimes too energetic. A very attentive child, she is quite aware of developments in the home and has a healthy rapport with her parents.
The Steps to Home Ownership You Tube Series followed the Holmes as they move from renting a small apartment to eventually owning their home, outlining each step of the process along the way – from getting prequalified, saving for your new home, where to look and the application itself.