Pepper Launches PepperConnect: Direct Lines to Consumers

Pepper Launches PepperConnect: Direct Lines to Consumers

Pepper, a leader in marketing innovation, proudly announces the launch of PepperConnect, a new suite of digital marketing services designed to revolutionise how local businesses connect with their audience. PepperConnect empowers businesses with tools to directly reach their customers, fostering growth and engagement.

PepperConnect combines three dynamic services – Email Marketing, WhatsApp Marketing, and Contest Marketing – into a seamless solution. This integration aims to simplify digital engagement strategies, making it easier for businesses to build relationships and drive sales.

“The launch of PepperConnect is a major step forward for Pepper Advertising and reflects our dedication to innovation and client success,” said Keitha Oliver, General Manager at Pepper. “With this new suite of services, we can deliver even more value to our clients, helping them cut through the noise and directly engage with their market.”

Leading this transformative service is Lakshmi Boodan, a Digital Engagement Specialist renowned for her strategic acumen and commitment to excellence. With over a decade of experience in digital marketing, a Master of Business Administration, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Marketing, Lakshmi is well-equipped to drive PepperConnect forward. “Her expertise in marketing, customer experience, and business development makes her the perfect leader for PepperConnect,” Oliver added.

Lakshmi expressed her excitement, stating, “We’re thrilled to offer businesses the chance to harness the power of PepperConnect to engage their audience with compelling content and foster deeper connections that yield real results. It’s not just about sending emails and WhatsApp messages; it’s about sparking meaningful interactions that lead to action. With data capture and lead optimisation, local businesses can make smarter decisions and enhance their marketing efforts to boost sales.”

Schedule a consultation with the PepperConnect Team today!