20 things working from home makes it harder to do
1. office politics and office drama
2. you can’t vent as easy
3. reach to work late because you had to circle the block three times, to get a park
4. sell bbq tickets for your cousin’s friend’s uncle’s fundraiser
5. start an office sou sou
6. eat your bud’s tuna sandwich they left in the fridge but got stuck in a client meeting and you know they would want you to have it
7. borrow money
8. water cooler gossip
9. curry favor with the boss
10. calling the office to say that you’re stuck in traffic. every morning
11. office romance
12. convert people to your religion
13. office pot luck
14. buy play whe next door
15. complain about the air conditioning
16. add 3rd birthday cake for the month’s calories
17. get or give a hug
18. harder to concentrate, with more competition for your attention
19. enjoy free coffee
20. getting my fellow inmates to refill ice trays that I emptied