The Latest AI Buzz: GPT-4o and Gemini

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the marketing landscape, and the AI world just got even cooler this week with the release of OpenAI’s GPT-4o and Google’s Gemini. These updates are packed with awesome new features that are set to revolutionize marketing and life as we know it… Let’s dive into what’s new and how it can supercharge our strategies!

Voice and Image Magic 🎤📸

GPT-4o now speaks your language—literally. You can have a full-on voice conversation with the mobile app, making your interactions more natural and dynamic. Perfect for those moments when typing feels like a chore. Just talk to ChatGPT and let the ideas flow! I recently used it to tell my son a bedtime story, casting him as the hero among his favourite characters and he was absolutely enchanted. It’s also a real-time translator for almost any language. Bonjour, Hola, Ni Hao!

And it gets better. You can now upload images in ChatGPT. Whether you need help troubleshooting why your vacuum won’t start or analyzing a complex graph, just snap a pic and let the AI assist you. This feature is a marketer’s dream for visual content analysis and creative brainstorming. Or you can even send it a photo of your lunch and it will give you the recipe.

Custom GPTs for Every Need 🎨🛠️

Ever wished for a personal AI tailored to your specific needs? Meet Custom GPTs. With GPT-4o, you can create your own versions of the AI to tackle specific tasks. Whether it’s a writing coach, a social media strategist, or a data analyst, the possibilities are endless. And soon, you’ll be able to share and even monetize these custom GPTs in the GPT Store.

File Uploads and Data Analysis 📂🔍

The new multi-file upload feature lets you analyze up to ten files at once. Imagine uploading your latest campaign reports, market research data, and social media metrics all in one go. GPT-4o will help you extract insights, identify trends, and optimize your strategies without breaking a sweat. Just remember to keep confidential or proprietary info secure if you’re using the free versions.

Extended Login and User-Friendly Interface 🔑😊

With an extended login duration, you can stay connected to ChatGPT for longer periods, making your workflow smoother and more efficient. Plus, the updated interface is more welcoming and easier to navigate, ensuring you spend more time creating and less time figuring out how to get started.

Google’s Gemini Update 🚀🌐

Not to be outdone, Google has also rolled out major updates this week with Gemini. Gemini 1.5 Pro, now available in public preview, features advanced multimodal capabilities and improved long context understanding, processing up to 1 million tokens. This means better performance in tasks involving text, images, and audio. For marketers, this opens new possibilities in content creation and data analysis.

Why It Matters for Marketers 💡📈

These updates aren’t just cool—they’re game-changers. Voice and image capabilities make your interactions more intuitive. Custom GPTs let you tailor AI to your exact needs, enhancing productivity. Multi-file uploads streamline data analysis, saving you time and effort. And the improved user experience ensures you can focus on what you do best: craft brilliant marketing strategies. Don’t be shy to try them out –  these are tools can transform how you work and play. But remember, garbage in, garbage out. So, embrace the new features, experiment with them, and stay ahead of the curve.

PS: After the story, I asked my son if he had any questions for ChatGPT. He asked “Can you order Royal Castle for me?” She responded “I can’t directly place orders, but I can definitely help you find where to purchase a Royal Castle. Would you like me to search for online retailers or stores near you that carry it?”

Written by Liliana Ragbir-Sookaran