- We do not believe customers expect it.
- We don’t believe Trinidadians could ever change. (we believe it’s in our DNA to give poor service or no service)
- Our competition is bad. So there’s no competitive disadvantage.
- It is hard work that takes a long time to see returns. We like overnight fixes.
- Employees leave, so why train them.
- It’s too costly and it “does not make a difference”.
- It’s not as sexy as marketing with its new product launches. (“who wants to sit through days of training when people could be doing work?”)
- It would mean giving employees the power to solve things. And we want power centralized.
- Customers won’t pay for it.
- We don’t have good trainers. (the reason we may not have good trainers is we have not made the field attractive enough for people to make a good living from it, aka a self-fulfilling prophecy)