A ward of results

In a world where ad agencies break into spontaneous choreography upon winning creative awards, it seems the real performance is often lost in the celebration. Picture this: a dazzling dance routine, glittering confetti, and enough bands to rival New Orleans or Rio or Trinidad Carnival – all in the name of creative excellence. But wait, what about the results?

Pros of ad award shows: They spotlight creativity, innovation, and the magic of advertising. They inspire others. Maybe.

Cons: The celebration parade often eclipses the metrics. For some, winning an award has become the end goal, overshadowing the impact on clients’ businesses. It’s like throwing a fantastic party but forgetting the birthday girl. Complete with sky writing.

Imagine a world where agencies balance the boogie with the bottom line. Creative awards can be a stepping stone, but we shouldn’t dance around the fact that measurable results are what matter. It’s time to bring the spotlight back to ROI, where the real fireworks awaits.

In the grand performance of advertising, let’s not forget that what the show is about – not just with dazzling displays but with a standing ovation for tangible results. Encore!

Other agencies: Pepper only jealous dey eh win none
Pepper: we doh enter.