The Era of the 8-to-4 Job is Over

Well, in Trinidad, at least, its slowly coming to a close.

More and more of my acquaintances, especially those in the IT field, are working an odd, hazily-demarcated mixture of flexi-time and work-from-home. Pepper, led by our MD, Dennis Ramdeen, has embraced this trend.

Pepper routinely meets clients and conducts interviews or meetings via Skype. Most of the staff take advantage of Blackberrys to check email and message co-workers. Working in Digital Marketing, Pepper-e routinely services clients’ accounts on weekends on holidays and late at night, not your standard 8-hr workday.

Therefore, to quote a line from the following infographic ‘Increasingly work is something people do, rather than a place people go.’ I’m happiest when free of routine and deeply grateful that Pepper can recognise productivity doesn’t have to live in an office. Dennis has his Dream Job, and I have mine.

The Mobile Workstyle [Infographic] –

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