Differentiation: Vanilla or Chocolate Macadamia?

In a world in which more and more average work can be done by a computer, robot or talented foreigner faster, cheaper “and just as well,” vanilla does not cut it anymore. It’s all about what chocolate sauce, whipped cream and cherry you can put on top.
– Daniel Pink, the author of  A Whole New Mind

When the boss and her hr manager and CFO are sitting late on a Friday afternoon trying to figure our who to keep and who to let go, what side of the pink slip divide would you be on? Are you an untouchable? And when the promotions and raises start coming again, will your name be called?

We all know that many of those Friday meetings have taken place where favoritism had some sway. Unfortunately there will always be some measure of this ism. However, because it’s now about survival, captains are picking their best teams. What will be said about you when your name is called. Allow me to offer up some qualities you should have under your belt.

  • Excellent skills and qualifications in your field (Qualifier)
  • Leadership (You take charge of a situation and don’t wait for orders from above)
  • Emotional intelligence (You contribute positively to the the social body called ‘the office’)
  • You’re passionate about what you do and where you work (You are engaged and engaging)
  • You take ownership (You occupy the top rung on the accountability ladder, the opposite of the bottom rung where you blame everyone and everything else but yourself for outcomes)
  • You deliver results (Reliable performer who does not have to be micro-managed)
  • High Productivity (Including punctuality and attendance record; just like they marked us at school)

There are parallels for service companies (like ad agencies) here, if they want to survive and keep their clients. So are you vanilla or working for a vanilla company? Or are you and your company Chocolate Macadamia? If not, do yourself a flavor. (by dr)