Neither Fish nor Fowl.

People often build their factory (restaurant, real estate agency, hotel) without absolute clarity on what they want it to represent in the eyes of their customers. They hire architects and interior designers and invest tons of dollars in bricks and mortar plus outfitting it with cool toys, often without a single minded position on what everything should add up to.

And when it comes to the ‘software’ of the factory, there is similar confusion with what the brand stands for and does not stand for.  So the staff does not understand what the brand means and therefore shares the confusion daily with customers.  The restaurant’s menu is all over the map which allows them to offer a very broad range of rather unspectacular food; not necessarily disasters but definitely nothing extra-ordinary.

If you want to have a half-a-chance in the marketplace, define your business in the narrowest terms possible.   Own one thing.

You cannot win friends and get into their hearts if you’re neither fish nor fowl.