Under 17 World Cup in T&T – 10 things that would have made it less of a secret
- Facebook is their friend (they have 239 friends on their FB page they should have talked to Mario’s, Kamla and top 20 fb pages to partner)
- Facebook (17 year olds are ferocious fb users- engage them with real info on players and the beautiful game)
- Faccbook /Google ads (pay per click that leads to landing page with full bios on players, schools they attend, pix with their family/name of their dog/favorite food etc etc etc)
- You Tube (funny clips from training and player’s off time)
- No one knows the players (put a face to the team- press releases if you don’t have $ for ads/facebook/e-mail)
- Have the Under 17’s sing a jingle that’s played as song across all radio stations (no products mentioned so playable)
- Photos of players and mascot every where
- Let media into dressing room (unprecedented access- female reporters only)
- Work the mascot (shows up every where) including online
- Players blog published online and daily newspapers