Being a copywriter has its challenges - deadlines, clients who "don't get it", writer's block, inept briefs etc. These obstacles to creative copy can be...
o·ver·sell (vr-sl) tr.v. o·ver·sold (-sld), o·ver·sell·ing, o·ver·sells 1. To contract to sell more of (a stock or commodity) than can be delivered. 2. To be...
Society rewards thinkers and doers. But only certain kinds of thinking and doing. Lawyers and surgeons get paid a lot for thinking and doing. Artists...
There’s a checklist of things every event coordinator considers when managing corporate and social events. However, if you’ve ever played the role, you’ll also know...
According to the Inside Golf Magazine the great British golf broadcaster Henry Longhurst once said: "A good caddie is more than a mere assistant. He...