The Rules behind Breaking Creativity Rules

We don’t invest enough in our Creative People in Ad Agencies in T&T and the Caribbean. Yes I know I’m generalising, and there are exceptions, but most agencies I know don’t. So we’re doing something about it and together with the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business, Pepper is bringing Yonathan Dominitz to Trinidad at the end of October to conduct 2 work shops over 3 days.  You can get a summary of Yonathan’s methodology at:

Time to Break the Rules

We need to slow down a bit on the roads of T&T and we also need to slow down our creative process.  The deadlines we are giving creative teams are absolutely crazy yet we expect them to do great work.  We also need to develop the ability of creatives to understand the strategy behind a brand/campaign and deliver it in their work.  Yonathan’s visit is a step in that direction.  Call me (329-2777) if you need more info or visit