Pepper closing but staying in pepper business.

After close to 7 years on the Trinidad and Tobago marketing scene, pepper advertising is closing its doors and opening its kitchen.  Known for its hot and differentiated approach to marketing and communications, its innovation in the digital space and its passion for event planning, the pepper team has decided it now wants to work on the client side.  So it’s starting a pepper factory.

“The product has undergone extensive consumer testing over the past 7 years” said pepper’s Chief Inspirer, Dennis Ramdeen, whose mother, Aileen, has been making her secret recipe for decades.  Mrs Ramdeen will receive 5 cents for every bottle of pepper sauce produced and sold.  “We wanted to be fair to her as she came up with the recipe and has made all the samples for the test over the past 7 years.   It’s the least we could do”, said the younger Ramdeen.

While there was initially some resistance to the move by some of the pepper staff, a stirring endorsement by former senior copywriter, now senior taste tester, Eric Barry, convinced some of those who were against the move to change their minds.  Ironically, pepper will soon be issuing a RFP for agency services as it seeks out an agency partner for its new brand and will be considering pitches from a minimum of 17 agencies who must be members of the AAATT.  Now that’s some really hot news that should have agency heads salivating from Port of Spain to Moruga!

[Kindly don’t email us about this until the second day of April. Merci buckets.]