Digital is More Better?


The big, fast moving trend involves the latest technology boom. Print newspapers are slowly dying out, and are fastly being replaced by online publications (in developed nations this tends to be the case). Other media industries are feeling the same effects of the tech boom. To combat this, much of the media has gone electronic as well. Advertisers are paid top dollar for banner ads on high traffic sites, and there are thousands of other examples of advertising on the web.

As a relatively small company, and with limited web experience, I wonder how we are to tackle the ever expansive online advertising world? Web banners, flash animations, online services, menu’s, you name it – it’s out there and someone has a hold on it.

Think about this, in the United States you can go online, order a pizza, specify what toppings / sides you want, input your credit card and include phone number and address in the online order form and boom! Within 30-40 minutes you’ve essentially downloaded your meal and it arrives on your doorstep. Madness!

The same can be said of countless businesses that have branched into the online world. I mean, who uses travel agents anymore when you can just go to one of hundreds of travel sites, input travel dates, destination and with a swipe of the card (VISA says, Go!) you’re on your way to a relaxing getaway. All with a click!

Those types of companies are no longer advertising their services in the traditional ways anymore – print / news / billboards / flyers / etc… but rather use the internet as their primary source of advertising. Is this the future of advertising? Is traditional advertising mediums going extinct? Quite possibly.

I can’t say if this style of advertising is “more better” than the traditional means, but I do know it’s the wave of the future and one that needs to be embraced if we are to move forward in this ever changing industry.

Blogger: BS