“Do it, we will get mileage…”

Doing it for "mileage"

The other day my son Sunil was telling me that he wanted to do something with the brand he manages, Wendy’s, because “he would get good mileage”.  Being a good father, I immediately scolded him for using the “m” word.  Whenever I hear: “we will get mileage” or any other form of this phrase that ends with the word “mileage”, I normally cringe.  Sometimes I do so quietly because it’s coming from people you would not expect it from and you don’t want to make the Managing Director feel bad.  But when it comes from your own son, in the quiet of family time, then all hell could break loose.

Why you ask?  Because when people talk about “mileage”, they are normally trying to rationalise doing something they should not be doing.  So of course people will see that your brand is involved in the cycling extravaganza around the Savannah that attracts so many people and is covered by tv stations.  And that your logo is on all the banners.  And the master of ceremonies will mention your company 95 times.  He will mention the other 15 sponsors 95 times too.

Mileage is good for cars not brands.  What brands need is positioning.  A clear single-minded physical or emotional attribute that is important enough to customers to make you want to own it and become famous for delivering it.  And brands also need discipline.  So when people come offering you stuff that will be “good mileage”, tell them your brand already has a ride home.  OK Sunil?