Pirates of the World Wide Web

Like everything else, the internet has its good and bad sides. Despite all the information that is available at our fingertips, the darker side of human nature is present in the form of piracy. Film piracy is at an all time high. Even though picture quality is sometimes poor and there is no cinema atmosphere, people across the globe are ridding the film industry of millions through illegal film downloads.

Take a look at the top ten most pirated films the world has ever seen (for free), according to Yahoo!

10. Twilight – 8.72 million downloads

9. Iron Man 2 –
8.8 million downloads

8. The Hangover – 9.18 million downloads

7. Rock ‘n’ Rolla – 9.43 million downloads

6. Shutter Island – 9.5 million downloads

5. Inception – 9.7 million downloads

4. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – 10.6 million downloads

3. Star Trek – 10.96 million downloads

2. Kick-Ass – 11.4 million downloads

1. Avatar – 16.58 million downloads

Notable absentees
The Dark Knight: (7.03 million), Harry Potter (7.93 million), Transformers (569,259), Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End (379,749), Knocked Up (509.314).