Are you happy with your job?

Some people work because they have to. Others truly love what they do, and they’re willing to take some lumps for the company as long as they feel job satisfaction. Where do you fit in?

Today marks 3 years since I’ve been working at Pepper. To last so long in one job, I must really have a passion for the work I do since it gives me satisfaction both professionally and personally, and I have a sense of accomplishment when I do my job right and especially when the client notices.

Tom Welch, a Florida-based career coach and author of Work Happy, Live Healthy (Rhodes and Easton, 1998) says people who are truly happy at work have found a way — whether through blind luck or a career success formula — to get satisfaction from doing the things they love to do.

Alice Jorgensen, a certified career management coach with All-Write Resumes and Career Management in Libertyville, Illinois, agrees that happy workers are passionate about what they do. “If [employees are] passionate about what they do, it’s usually the case that this passion fits perfectly with the mission of their company and the way they do business,” she says.

Brands that have passionate people behind them are usually the most successful. Take for example success stories like Microsoft, Dell, Apple, Virign Airlines, South West Airlines, Mc Donalds, Coca Cola, Google, Disney, Starbucks, the ANSA McAL Group, Blue Waters, etc… If we as marketers or service providers are not passionate about our brands then why would our customers be?

Take this quiz to find out if you are happy with your job.